Hi There, I’m Monica and This is My Story
I didn’t really find Fabulous and Fit, but rather it found me! Let me share some of my journey with you here.
I know what it’s like to not feel too fabulous and fit. And I know what it feels like to climb out of that black hole and feel better. And I want to help you do the same.
In 2001 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After the treatment and ensuing battle took its toll, I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and started all over again only to be diagnosed a second time in 2011.
This time, the treatment ran me over, backed up, and ran over me again. After two years went by, I woke up one morning to find myself the heaviest I had ever been in my life. And I was not feeling too fit either: Lifting a coffee pot took 2 hands. Every joint ached, every muscle whimpered, and I would get winded getting up off the couch.
That horrible Body Mass Index (BMI) chart told me I was obese. OBESE!! Are you kidding me? There had been times in my life when I had known what it felt like to race across a sports field and had plenty of energy to fiercely challenge a ski hill. I had enjoyed being very fit and strong a good part of my life and know how amazing it feels to play many sports and engage in various fitness activities!
After two crippling battles with breast cancer, my poor state of health and fitness left me in a dark valley of brokenness and feeling like I was bleeding from the inside out. But then I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and started all over once again.
At my all-time physical rock bottom I decided to enroll in the course to become a BCRPA Certified Personal Trainer. I wanted to be my own trainer to begin my journey back.
"Like the butterfly, you have within you the power and magic to transform."Monica Kommnick
After completing my personal training certification I still found myself struggling to achieve my goals and implement the healthy lifestyle changes I desperately wanted to adopt. I knew there was something important missing and I wouldn’t rest until I found it. I vowed to never participate in the yo-yo diet game again so I studied nutrition to really understand the importance of feeding our bodies. I took an honest hard look in the mirror and for the first time in my life acknowledged my poor relationship with food and how I used it for love and comfort, that it was my way to manage stress and loneliness. I started reading everything I could get my hands on to help me understand my behaviors. This is how I was introduced to the magic of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping (EFT). I started meditating and fell in love with the power of essential oils and how they can support all the systems in the body. Something deep inside my soul began to open and bloom as I felt the healing begin. My lifelong issues with poor self-esteem and negative beliefs around body image began to release and let go.
These were the missing links I was looking for. I could clearly see for lifestyle changes to be permanent involves more than changing my diet and getting my butt off the couch.
I have come a long way, but for me the journey has become more important than the end goal, because there is no end. Striving for physical fitness and health is a lifetime affair.
It’s important to understand that real change doesn’t happen overnight, even though we really want it to! Change is what happens when we decide we no longer want to settle for how we feel or look and we are truly ready to make a lifestyle shift.
Every body has unique challenges. No matter how old you are, together we will determine your goals, create your action plan, and prove that your own health and fitness could be better than you may think possible today. With professionalism, enthusiasm, and a healthy dose of good humor I‘m here to offer you everything that I have learned on my journey, so I can make your journey easier and more fun. I can be your coach and your companion as you reach a level of fitness that you forgot was possible.
You are already Fabulous, so let’s get Fit!
If you are interested in feeling Fabulous and Fit, maybe for the first time in many years or even the first time ever, please contact me and let me help you.
Here Are My Credentials:
- CANFITPRO Certified Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Coach
- Certified Master Practitioner of EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)
- BCRPA Certified Personal Trainer
- Self Taught Lover of Essential Oils